What, Why, How… Sannyas?
To Know more about Sannyas…
To Know more about Sannyas…
The Greatness of the Cradle of Sannyas – Vedic Tradition
Top 10 Reasons to become a Sannyasi of the Nithyananda Order!
Benefits of Working for Nithyananda Mission

Celebrate life….
Live Sannyas!
The Person who feels responsible for the world, becomes Sannyasi

Come and try to taste and test the real enlightened life – life of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching ourselves and others. Only when you taste these four principles, you will understand the excitement of the life of a sadhu, the life of a jeevan mukta.
1. With integrity, you experience space of positivity.
2. With authenticity, you experience space of possibility.
3. With responsibility, you experience space of leadership consciousness.
4. With enriching, you experience the space of enlightenment.